Tuesday, July 30, 2013

When You Have Fought The Good Fight

Despite my early rising and spending time in the Word, there was that one thing that knocked me down. The tears flowed as I spoke to my best friend, my fiancé, my soul mate about the issue. While I was assured that everything will work out for the best and that no matter what, he was right here by my side; there was that something that I couldn't let go. I texted others about the issue of my heart and I sat for a while, then a while longer...and I thought about my calendar on my iPhone and how there were dates that were unmarked for a reason...and I thought about previous conversations with a very dear friend of mine. She asked me a question-a week ago-that was relevant to today in so many ways. Neither one of us knew that God was aligning everything for His good and His glory. Then my heart and soul fell back on an e-mail that I sent a couple of days ago, but to no avail; how it was so related to today. And I thought back on all the days of my adult life and how I struggled for years to care for my kids-with no help-mind you; yet I never gave up and I never pointed the finger at anyone for their unwillingness to provide or for their telling me NO when I asked. Never did I not open my door to those that so graciously turned me down when I was in need and never did I reject any of those that previously wronged me. Did I say never?

Here I am...between praying and drying tears, my heart fell upon 2Timothy 4:7: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race and I have remained faithful (NLT)...That is some powerful stuff right there. When you have fought the good fight what do you do? Normally we turn our back on our opponent and walk away or in some cases, run. In a boxing match, the champion raising his gloves, pounds his chest, pounce around the ring and hypes the crowd to go wild over him. The fight is over, the last man standing, the champion, the victor. In life's uphill battles do we fight the good fight and celebrate victoriously in the end? Do we stand there and say, "I have finished the race and I have remained faithful"? Or do we turn out back and walk away?

Now, you knew I was going to break it down for you, right? Right. There are four things that must be done to be considered a champion in the end: 1) Fight the good fight 2) Finish the race 3) Remain faithful and 4) Wait on the Lord for direction. What does fighting the good fight mean? I am glad you asked. It means, giving it your all-the best shot: unemployment-fight, stepping out on faith-fight, marriage issues-fight, wayward/disobedient children-fight, broken relationships-continue to fight, workplace issues-fight with all of your might, that new business venture-fighting. Whatever you are challenged with today-FIGHT.

Finish the race. Have you started a project, a goal, a dream and decided that you wanted to stop in the middle? How will you know what could've been or where it could've taken you? Don't give up on yourself; don't sit down on your dreams; don't pass the baton in the meter-dash until you know you have finished the race. God is not done molding you for this thing we call life. He has work for you to do. He has not called you to sit down but to cross the finish line. What has God called you to complete or better yet to begin and to see it thru? A job change? A new house? To feed the poor in the community? To volunteer at a shelter? To leave an abusive relationship? To break the ruins of the past? To clean that extra room for your new office space? Start today-but make sure you finish!

In your finishing the race, did you remain faithful during the course? Did you commit to it and give it your all? Were you steadfast, unmovable in your finishing? AND are you waiting on the Lord for His direction? Trusting in His perfect timing, oops, I meant patience and faith are required during this step. Wait on the Lord, my friend. But in your waiting, know it's not in vain. Wait on your new car, your soul mate, your new house, your new career (notice it's not a job, but a career), your renewed spouse, your college degree, your wayward children to return home, your broken relationships to be mended. Wait!

Know that we are all fighting a fight together-it's called by a different name though.

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